2 hours, 14 Feb 2014
Hung engine on airframe. Minimal issues to hang engine. Torqued and cotter pinned the nuts according to Vans instructions.
Engine hung on airframe
FAR 91.413 and FAR 43-Appendix F. FAR 91.411 and FAR 43-Appendix E
2 hours, 20 June 2014
Von’s Avionics from Pearland came over to perform the transponder and Altimeter System Static testing. FAR 91.413 and FAR 43-Appendix F. FAR 91.411 and FAR 43-Appendix E. all systems passed without issue. The Dynon required some calibration tweaking of the offset. It was reading within 10 feet from -1000 to 25,000. The Garmin unites were spot on from -1000 to 25,000.
Inspected on 06/19/2014. Will be due in 2 years.
Cowling Work continued
N number, data plate, experimental sticker
Cut cowling to add more clearance for intake
2 hours, 17 June 2014
I spent 2 hours marking, cutting and fiberglassing the bottom of the show planes cowling to add more clearance to the right side air intake. After the first engine run sessions the engine shifted enough that the clearance between the cowl and intake was no longer enough.
Switch Labels
0.50 hours, 17 June 2014
I added the IGN1/2, ECU 1 and ECU 2 labels along with the defrost and panel lights labels to the switches in their respective locations.
Pictures for the Inspection
More Window Work
Weight and Balance
3 Hours, 15 June 2014
I performed the Weight and Balance on N815DG. I leveled the airplane for and aft along with left to right. Airplane weight in about 150 lbs more than Vans demonstrator and I expected this since I have a fully equipped aircraft. Empty weight is 1802lbs. I also did the weight and balance with the bottom pod attached and it is 1857lbs. Overall the W&B looks good with the exception with me flying single I will need a pretty heafty balast in the back to keep the CG correct.
RIGHT WHEEL 658 123.19
LEFT WHEEL 677 123.63
NOSE WHEEL 445 105.83
Dropped string from the wing leading edge and have the following:
Left Wheel 123.63 aft
Right Wheel 123.19 aft
Front Wheel 50.82 aft