May 10th, 2014 16 hours
Throttle cable and Mixture cable arrived after I reorder longer cables for both.
CT Q-67, P/N: 184VTT2-67. it specifically says not for use on aircraft.. go figure..
CT Q-60. The 60″ went to the Throttle and the 67 went to the Mixture.
The Throttle cable required the rod end be connected lower on the servo arm. It also required the Throttle control quadrant to be re drilled lower as well. A very slight amount, maybe 0.25″ is not used on the bottom side of the Throttle quad. The entire range of motion is achieved on the throttle servo.
The mixture cable did not require anything special, just connected it up on both ends.
After the throttle quad was connected I finally was able to install the Aerosport throttle quad cover and tunnel covers. Installed the fuel selector valve red knob. Fastened the center arm rest in place also.