Category Archives: MotoPod


Received the MotoPod

Monday 6th, 2014. I received the MotoPod from David Shelton. Great craftsmanship on the mod manufacturing. I ordered the pod without paint and it comes not fully assembled. I thought i might come more complete but I have to install the winch system and them final trim the upper portion of the fiberglass to mate it to the bottom of the RV10. The instruction look fairly straight forward and well thought out similar to how it was when installing the hard point in the fuselage. I honestly didn’t remember the pd being as large as it is but gosh I know have boat in case I need to go fishing! It looks to be a great addition to the RV10 and will only be taking a 9 knot hit on speed and a 45 lb hit on weight. Overall for the utility that it brings to the RV10 I can except those without a problem. I am not building a rocket ship so speed isn’t my major concern. I look forward to installing it very soon.
