April 13th, 2014, 18 hours
Started routing the thermocouple wires for EGT and CHT wires along wi the fuel flow sensor. Routed the spark plug wires and added tie wraps to the locations where I want to use ADEL clamps.
I worked on various engine baffles in the front of the engine. Added the rubber baffle material to the two side front baffles and the two baffles over the front of the engine.
Routed the air conditioner large and small hose from the firewall to the compressor. I had to punch holes in the copilot side rear engine baffle to allow the hoses to pass thru. I also punched a hole for the EFII crank timing sensors to pass thru. Ultimately these holes will be sealed with red RTV once all the hoses and wires are ADEL clamped in place.
Routed the manifold pressure hose from number 5 cylinder to the EFII dual MP gauges and add a “T” and routed the off shoot to the G3X MP sensor mounted on the firewall.
I ordered engine fuel hoses from TS Flightline all fire sleeved.
1) Mechanical fuel pump to fuel servo
2) fuel servo output to the red cube, R12204C5.5, -4 str/90′ f/s
3) red cube to purge valve input, R12204C16F, -4 str/90′ f/s
4) red cube output to firewall, R12204A46F, str/str f/s
5) firewall to left side fuel tank “t”, R12204A50, -6 str/str
6) mechanical fuel pump to fuel pressure gauge, R12204A12F, str/str
Fabricated a red cube mount bracket. I wanted to let the red cube be supported by the hose but it seemed to floppy to me so I made a bracket. I mounted the red cube to the bracket using rubber so that it might be cushioned more so than if it was directly mounted to the bracket. I used aluminum and am sure it will crack advetualy but I will be watching for it.